Friday, June 5, 2009

Adjusting to Summer Schedules

Yea! It's summer vacation! I admit I'm probably more excited than my kids about it, since they like school so much. I don't dislike the school year, but I do enjoy the freedom of a summer without schedules. Well, schedules imposed on us by someone else, that is. Being the control freak that I am, I have a summer schedule for my family all worked out, even though it's only the first week of summer vacation. As a work-at-home mom, I was really looking forward to the change from "their" schedule to my own. It always bothers me that my husband rarely gets home before six, but the kids need to be in bed by eight during the school year. Somehow we're supposed to enjoy a family dinner, baths, stories and so called "quality time" in those two hours. What usually happens is more like two hours of mayhem; what a lousy way to end the day. So generally, our family schedule in the summer runs well into the evening and those long, summer nights. While the kids sleep in, I plan to get my work done by continuing to get up as early as I do during the school year, about 5 am.

So far, I haven't kept to the schedule even one day. Only yesterday was I close, because I had meetings and obligations outside of the home, so I had to be on time. Monday, though, I slept in, simply because I could. Tuesday I got up on time, but my husband was home, so I talked to him instead of working. On Wednesday, there was a great thunderstorm, so the kids and pets all piled on top of me for comfort, and who am I to deny them that love? As I said, yesterday went pretty well, but today is Friday, and I've pretty much resigned myself to starting with a clean slate on Monday.

They say when you receive a financial windfall, you should play with ten per cent of it or you run the risk of blowing it all. The way I see it, this week was our ten per cent of play. I'm glad I have a schedule to aspire to, but I don't mind having a little wiggle room. Next week, I really should get down to business, but I'll be more relaxed and rested knowing I had a little vacation between schedules.

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