Thankfully, last Sunday, home delivery of my newspaper began. I was like a kid praying for a snow day, racing to the window to see if it had come overnight. I happily scooped up my four-year-old and let her help me get the paper from the end of the driveway. We returned triumphantly mere moments later and presented our prize to the rest of the household. The "real" newspaper went to my husband, the comics to my son, and the ads and treasured coupon inserts were put aside for me. Ah, sweet Donna Reed-esque victory.
Unfortunately, there were only 2 inserts this week. That was kind of a let-down. Also unfortunately, there really wasn't that much for me to stockpile this week. Another bummer. Just as I was getting so excited about my savings, I found myself in the position of needing the real basics, staples, you know, those things that never go on sale and never offer coupons. My coupon euphoria was blown.
I'm sure this is how most people who try couponing get discouraged and quit. Last week - WOW! Huge savings! This week - um, now what? Well, after my initial disappointment wore off, I did find some good deals. It actually worked out well that the simple coupon deals didn't line up with my needs this week, because it forced me to look at the alternatives and shop around. And the alternative shopping gave me some time to think over this week's deals and realize the values I had initially missed. Over the course of the week, I learned some new ways to save and learned to temper my enthusiasm with patience and wisdom.
One of the ways I saved this week was to shop at Sam's Club. We've had a membership there for several years, but had backed off a bit because it's easy to buy more than you can use or grab "great deals" you don't really need while you're shopping. To avoid both those downfalls, I used their "Click'n'Pull" option on their website. Because we needed some of the things right away, I used the feature to find out what was in stock and compare prices with the weekly inserts and online stores, but I didn't submit it. Instead, I printed it out and handed it to my husband to use as a shopping list. He knew exactly what to get, the right sizes, prices, quantities..., everything - and no temptation shopping!
I also signed up for AmazonMom this week and by combining that program with their Subscribe & Save program, saved 30% off all sorts of baby supplies - with free 2-day shipping for a year! You can cancel the automatic subscription any time (as I might have to, since babies race through diaper sizes so quickly), but the extra 15% savings is certainly worth checking out. Speaking of Amazon, I also got a $20 gift certificate for only $10 on It seems to be one of those daily local deal sites, like Groupon, but yesterday they were offering 50% off a $20 Amazon GC, and I don't know of anyone who couldn't use that! Supposedly I could have gotten it for free if I referred 3 people to the same deal, but I always like to test these things before I tell anyone about them. I'm happy to report that although it's too late for me to refer anyone officially, I did get my CG code within 24 hours and it's sitting in my Amazon account right now awaiting my next purchase. Yea!
So what didn't work, you might be wondering, in light of the aforementioned shopping successes? Well, don't send your husband to the store to get a 12-pack of Sam Adams for $12.99 (save $3 with your loyalty card!). Anyone who likes Sammy knows that's a great price, but since I'm expecting, I'm not sure who he thought was going to drink all that beer. Somehow he assumed I was, and blew any savings by buying himself a 12-pack as well. 'Good thing we've been invited to a Superbowl party in a few weeks!
Also, my ancient PC and I had words about Java. My PC is so old it has a Pentium MCLIIV inside. It resents being bothered in its old age, and after a nasty viral bout last year, has been more crotchety than ever. My wonderful sister spoiled me with a new laptop for Christmas, but for now, our printers are still hooked up to Cap'n Cranky. Point being, I need Java to print about 40% of the online coupons in the universe, and my PC wasn't speaking to Java. It took about 2 hours of tense negotiations, but finally, I can print coupons from, for example, SmartSource. Yes, that's right, one of the two biggest coupon companies in the U.S. and my PC wouldn't acknowledge them.
Eventually, like the President, I offered my PC and Java each a Sam Adams, and they shook hands and made up.
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